To help decide which plan is best for you, please use this estimator
Quality of your podcast:
Length in minutes of your podcast:
Estimated number of downloads per month:
Note: if you are planning to make more than one episode or podcast available per month you may need to factor in more downloads.

Available pricing plans:

PLANMonthly data limitMonthly price*
PLAN 125GB + 5GB£10
PLAN 225GB + 10GB£15
PLAN 325GB + 25GB£30
PLAN 425GB + 75GB£90
PLAN 525GB + 125GB£125
PLAN 625GB + 225GB£180
PLAN 725GB + 325GB£250
PLAN 825GB + 475GB£325

All prices are ex-VAT.
** There is a £10 one-off setup charge for pricing plan 0